Tectona was anchored at Hall sands last night and the crew woke to a beautiful morning where the stunningly turquoise sea was too much to resist for most! After a quick dip, and some warming porridge, the anchor was hauled to the surface whilst the main was hoisted with special attention to the coming beat around start point. Soon after the anchor was fast to the stem, the topsail with it’s yard was stretched into position. We were off! We had an hour of tide against us at the point, but this gave us an easy entry into the often turbulent water off start point and Prawle. With the wind with the tide we made slow but steady progress heading south.
This slow progress would fortunately not last long, the tide had turned, and with it, the wind had increased, we were south enough to escape the race where the wind over tide would make for an uncomfortable passage. The swell picked up, but was still manageable.
At this point, we had pulled the large Jib Top out from below decks, often we find when you threaten with more sail the wind picks up! Needless to say the Jib Tob never flew!
After a well-earned lunch of baked potatoes with a variety of toppings, the decision was made to tack. We got to our stations and put the helm over, she stalled as often happens and fell back down to her original course. Picking up speed slowly, we were successful in waring ship (also known as Gybing), she came around quickly and found our nose nodding to bolt head.
At this point the sailing has become quite exciting, and we have picked up speed to over six knots consistently. As I am writing I can see that we will have to bear away to make Salcombe, fantastic news for an old boat that doesn’t like pinching, however not so good for our already over-

pressed topsail! I had better get away to the halyards before the next paragraph is about retrieving a broken topstick!